Rose Hill Conclave No.298
It was a a balmy Spring evening in Wigan when Rose Hill Conclave No 298 were pleased to receive the Deputy Intendant General, V.Ill.Kt Frederick E. Hargreaves PG High Chanc. to their Enthronement Meeting at Bryn Masonic Hall to witness the Enthronement of the Most Puissant Sovereign and Consecration of the Eminent Viceroy.
The Deputy Intendant  General congratulates
the newly enthroned MPS Patrick Walsh
The meeting was opened by the Most Puissant Sovereign Ian Clark, who, after welcoming the Deputy Intendant General, proceeded to Enthrone his successor, Em.Kt. Patrick Joseph Walsh, W.Kt Stephen Keith Lyon was then Consecrated as Eminent Viceroy by the newly Enthroned Sovereign  in a ceremony which all present agreed, was delivered in a very sincere  manner. 
The Immediate Past MPS P.Kt. Ian Clark, the MPS P.T. Patrick J Walsh and
The Eminent Viceroy Em.Kt. Stephen K Lyon
The new Most Puissant Sovereign then appointed and invested his Officers for the ensuing year.
The Deputy Intendant General, MPS, Em.Viceroy and Immediate Past MPS
At the conclusion of the ceremony the Deputy Intendant General offered his congratulations to the newly appointed Officers of the Conclave and his best wishes for a successful year in Office.
Words and photos by P.Kt. John P Murphy Div.Swd.B